Saturday, May 12, 2018

New design of Gmail and most advanced and secure email service by Google.

Good morning friends, my name is Prateek Jaiswal and welcome you all to my blog and I have an update of gmail. I have new information of gmail which I want to tell you all. Gmail is the main service of Google which everyone knows and uses it and you would be having one gmail id. You would have seen that it is difficult to reply in gmail, if want to delete any message first you need to mark it and open it so its not that easy. So gmail has released some updates and new material design has come. And you can delete the email from there only. New application has come google keep which is the new service of google by which you can save your application online and calender also. Now you can access these things from gmail on the right side. Now you can use your email for efficiently, you can mark and read it and you have seen it is not recent update it is very old update that artificial intelligence is being used. Automatic reply comes. Suppose you receive a new mail and asks you how are you? And you don't type option appears of messages that i'm fine, i'm not fine, all you need is to select and send it.And it is the artificial intelligence of google that works and it guesses the possible reply of the messages automatically so that you don't need to type it just tap it and send it.
    Now new feature has come reminder and snooze that was in alarm that don't remind me now, sometimes mail comes and you don't want to reply instantly but in the evening.We read it and we left it and we don't reply and in the evening we forget about the mail, to tackle this there new update from google. You can put reminder or snooze it and you can get the reminder of the email when you require it. Suppose i receive a mail and i don't want to reply it because I am doing lunch with my family and I will reply it when I will go home in the evening. So i'll put a reminder and google will inform me in the evening. It has a very good design.
                                                                                  If you have not got this update so open your gmail then click on Settings option and click on try new gmail. New feature of gmail will open and you can use the new feature of gmail. Gmail is very good service of google no ads are present.
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