Now i will tell how to make money. For making money you have to use google service name Go to adsense.You will signup on adsense, it will verify your application,approve it.After that you can add ads to your blog or website.People will come to your blog,read them and you will earn money for it.And if someone clicks on ads you will get more money.This is how whole system works.Here you need to sign up and sign in.
Now control panel of adsense will open.Click on my ads.You need to make ads here.You can make ads depending on size of websites.Make responsive ads.Click on new ad unit.You have to do this after you have added 10-12 posts on the blogger website,only after that for adsense. Adsense will only approve if you have very good blog working.If you don't have blogs and want to show some ads then google will not approve it.
Click on new ad unit.Give any name to the ads.Give my new ad.Select responsive if you don't know where to place ads on the website.Then choose ad type: text and display ads,display ads only,text ads only.Then click on save and get code,now you will get the code.Put this code on to your website.Ads will appear where you will put the code.
Now we will put the ads on our website. For that edit the first post.You can put only 3 ads per page.You can put ads on the side space of the page.For that edit the template.Click on Layout. Add a gadget on blog archive.Use HTML and JAVA script.In title write ad name and in context write code.Then save it.Then click on save arrangement.Now refresh the blog to see the visible ad.It take some time for new ads to visible.
People will read your blog but also see the ad and you will get money for the ads if someone clicks on the ad.Now you would have known how to make money from the blogger and the adsense. This is the beginners method and if you want to start you can start from here.If you want to be more professional you can create blogs for the wordpress. Wordpress has more themes,plugins.
If you have more questions you can ask me.Follow me on for more informative posts like this. Thankyou so much,wait for the next post.Good bye.
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